About Bay Area Demolition

Northern Michigan Demolition Professionals - Hire B.A.D., You'll Be Glad!

Northern Michigan DemolitionBay Area Demolition is Traverse City, Northern Michigan’s premiere demolition and debris removal company.   Bay Area Demolition is headquartered in Interlochen and services all of Northwest Lower Michigan.   We perform all kinds of building removal, interior breakdown, and site cleaning services. We are the sister company of Bay Area Disposal, which rents dumpsters to individuals and businesses across Northern Michigan.   Visit the website at the link below.

Both Bay Area Demolition and Bay Area Disposal work in Tandem to help Northern Michigan Construction businesses, contractors and individuals clear their properties and clean them up after.

Bay Area Demolition is owned by Kris Wood.  Northern Michgian native and 20 plus year veteran of the construction industry.   

“My name is Kris Wood, owner of Bay Area Disposal. Located in Traverse City, we specialize in junk removal services for consumers and businesses alike. Give us a call today if you have any questions regarding any of the demolition services we provide.”

Bay Area Demolition can take care of all your property, home, hotel, or structural demolition needs, call us today for the best demolition in Northern Michigan. 

Kris Wood – Bay Area Demolition Owner Shredding a Jet Ski!